Conviction N°3
GENOMICS is the 3rd component of the Genetech platform by Grimaud.
It allows to establish the connections between the animal's genome and their performances.
It then becomes possible to select new traits, improve variability whilst adding more accuracy and speed in selecting the best. Genomics offers promising perspectives in selecting a multitude of economic criteria, with respect to the environment, the quality of the meat and animal welfare.
Genomics is the science that studies genomes (that is to say all the genes), both in their structure and their functioning.
Genomic selection consists in using the knowledge of these genomes to estimate the genetic value of candidates for selection. For this, the genetic polymorphism of candidates is read in different specific points of their genome (we refer to genotyping) and a "molecular score" (we refer to GEBV for Genomic Estimated Breeding Value) is calculated.

The key stages of genomic selection:
The first stage consists of making the connection between the genetic polymorphism (having several shapes possible of a same gene because of the natural mutations of the genome) of the individuals, and their phenotypical characteristics (their observable features such as weight, the laying level, the number of descendants per litter...). For this, we create a reference population for which the animals are both phenotyped (by measuring the observable features for which we want to apply a selection) and genotyped (which means determining which version of the gene they carry). The mathematics models then makes it possible to define an effect on the phenotype of interest for each polymorphism.
Later, the selection programmes candidates are genotyped to define the polymorphisms that they carry in their genomes. Their genetic value (GEBV) is then calculated according to the effects of these polymorphisms as estimated in the reference population.
- An increase of the selection intensity through a choice of breeding animals in a wider candidate population.
- More accurate genetic values.
- A decrease of the generation interval in selection via early evaluation of the candidates.
- A selection of males for reproduction criteria such as lactation, laying or prolificity.
- A selection of features that are slightly heritable and/or difficult to measure such as resistance to diseases.
Groupe Grimaud
The mission of the Groupe Grimaud is to further develop know-how and products in the life science field, contributing to the development of efficient solutions for the food and health industries throughout the world.
Our two core businesses are:
- Genetic selection, production and distribution of animal breeding stock, hatching eggs and semen for layers, pigs, ducks, guinea fowls, rabbits, pigeons & shrimps.
- Bio-pharmacy serving human and animal health through vaccines, pharmaceutical proteins and sera, human antibodies, specific pathogen free animals, bacterial cultures.